The Camp of the Forgotten is a hidden enclave on survivors from the first colony abandoned by NEVEC nearly forty years before the events of the Lost Planet 3 campaign. It's a major plot point in the story and the only place where certain items of value can be found.
Prior to being badly injured after a battle with a Cat-G akrid and healed by Mira Katsuragi, the Camp of the Forgotten is only accessible when Jim's rig crashes through a thin spot in the ice on the side of Shackleton's Peak opposite Coronis Base and into the caves beneath. After recovering and subsequently sneaking out of the cell, Jim meets the enclave's leader, Soichi Katsuragi, and agrees to help the Forgotten secure their home against the wilder akrid in exchange for keeping their existence hidden.
Front Gate[]
Available after opening the armory and where Soichi Katsuragi can be found.
Various folk are available for casual conversation.