Lost Planet Wiki


Shop at the Coronis Base where weapons, upgrades and special ammunition can be purchased in exchange for thermal energy. It is run by the quartermaster Marty "Birdie" Bowers

Shop Items[]

Item Cost Description
Hunting Knife 10
Shotgun 1,500
Assault Rifle 2,500
Hunting Rifle 7,500 A single shot bolt-action rifle with high accuracy and damage.
Pistol - Large Caliber Barrel 1,250
Assault Rifle - Extended Magazine 1,500 Allows players to zoom in when aiming down the sight.
Shotgun - Stock Upgrade 2,500
Hunting Rifle - 8x Scope 5,000
Disc Grenades 6,000
Extra Grenade Belt Slot 5,000
Extra Ammo Pack 5,000 An extra ammo pack that allows you to carry more ammo per weapon.
Shotgun - Bounce Shot 2 Carbon steel bearings that ricochet once when hitting hard surfaces. Good for hitting targets in confined interiors
Specialized Components 2,000 Unique salvaged parts that can be traded at Gale's Workshop for Rig upgrades

