Lost Planet Wiki


Test the DNA Tagger is a quest in Lost Planet 3, given by Doctor Roman. She will provide you with special communication that allows you to tag various monsters and have them be added to your bestiary. The ammunition only works for the pistol but is available at any time.

For this job you need to tag all the Akrid in the game that have not been tagged already. To use the special marking ammunition, fire at the beast once to tag them. Then as they move around, keep the cross-hairs on them for a specific amount of time.

Akrid Locations[]

# Akrid Location
1 Akrid Egg Found first in Shackleton’s Peak, this Akrid will be tagged at part of the Test the DNA Tagger Mission. Impossible to miss.
2 Tarkaa First found in the Abandoned Base, These are very common and hard to miss.
3 Ermmlid First found in the Camp of the Forgotten. These are found in conjunction with a Sieragz.
4 Sepia Another very common foe, Sepia are first found on Shackleton’s Peak.
5 Bolsepia Another very common foe, Bolsepia are first found on Shackleton’s Peak.
6 Genessa You run into many of these, but you can find several in Marshall’s Gorge during the Find a Thermal Pocket mission.
7 Male Wardeye Found in the Security Installation, you’ll come across several during the mission where you try to find the armory.
8 Female Wardeye First seen in the Power Plant. As you’re trying to escape, the first Wardeye you see will be a female.
9 Enbee Found first in Shackleton’s Peak, you come across a Genessa that spawns them in the fourth station of the Restore Tram System Mission.
10 Goonroe You’ll first come across these in Bailey’s Crossing, during the Find the Thermal Pocket mission.
11 Suwankaa You’ll find one of these during the Conduct Research for Roman mission when you’re defending the drilling platform.
12 Dongo You come across these as you pass through the plains of Bishop’s Wake.
13 Vorgg During the Find a Thermal Pocket mission in Marshall’s Gorge you will come across one of these.
14 Gorevorgg In Bailey’s Crossing, you find this only during the Kill King Crab mission.
15 Sieragz This boss fight occurs during the Meet with Soichi mission in the Camp of the Forgotten.
16 Tangaant Find this one in the tower on the island in the lava in Pickett’s Folly.
17 Hiveen You can either tag this beast in the Weather Station, or you can download the information from a computer at the power plant.

